My Promise

I will make you feel gorgeous: as a high school senior, a blushing bride, a new mom, a grandmother. You are beautiful, and I want to show you. A friend who wanted head shots recently said, "Get excited for the greatest challenge of your photography career." I like challenges. And she loved her photos. 

Let's chat about your goals, what you what to see, what you don't think is possible. Send me an email by filling out the form on the right, and I'll return your message within 24 hours. This initial consultation is incredibly important as I get a feel for your personality. Are you loud and vibrant? Are you elegant and refined? I can't wait to find out.

If we decide we're a good fit for each other, it's time to book a session! I usually book at least two weeks out (within the first two weeks of life for newborn photography). I take a limited number of each type of session per year, so don't hesitate to get in touch, you beautiful creature, you.